Our curriculum is designed to underpin our school values of:
The students enjoy attending school and value the warm and respectful relationships with staff and peers.
We aim to provide an environment where students feel secure in putting across their points of view and expressing their opinions.
Our high expectations promote respect for one another, our equipment and the classroom environment.
We encourage students to reflect on their learning, promoting self-awareness and ownership of learning, developing confidence and self-respect.
High Aspirations
We provide a curriculum pathway suitable for all students’ needs. It is appropriately challenging and supportive, in order to help every student achieve their potential.
Promoting careers in science runs through our curriculum, with the aim of inspiring students to continue study science further and pursue science-based careers.
Enrichment science activities, trips, external speakers and links with local colleges all help create a positive attitude towards science and raise their aspirations.
Our science curriculum is sequenced so that students build on their prior knowledge from KS2, through KS3 into KS4, making learning relevant by drawing on their own experiences and connecting it with the world around them.
We provide opportunities for students to continually link back to previous learning to reinforce their knowledge and understanding, building their confidence.
Our positive classroom environment encourages students to believe in themselves and take chances, and to be resilient, risk takers.
Mrs Sant
Curriculum leader
Mr Sant
Assistant Curriculum Leader
Miss Silcock
Mr Gray
Mr Mountford
Mrs Managh
Mrs Keele
Miss Davies
Mrs Burke
Health and Social Care