Our curriculum is designed to underpin our school values of:
The school has increasingly high expectations for pupils’ learning.
We deliver an inclusive curriculum that celebrates diversity.
Our lessons provide opportunities for students to explore other points of view and wider beliefs.
Students work both together and independently to develop their skills and make progress.
High Aspirations
Careers education is embedded in the History curriculum with links made to FE/HE to raise aspirations.
We offer a Certificate in History and GCSE History in order to provide pathways for all abilities.
Our curriculum is designed to equip students with both first and second order historical skills.
Students are encouraged to develop their research skills and work independently.
We celebrate successes and reinforce achievement via Class Charts, Praise Postcards, assemblies and competitions.
Mrs Whitefoot
Curriculum Leader, Careers Lead
Mrs Gray
Religious Studies Lead
Mrs Bell
Mr Reynolds
Humanities Teacher
Miss Fiddaman
Mrs Eddy
Mrs Rhodes