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Design And Technology

General Information/Overview

Design and technology is about providing opportunities for students to develop their capability, combining their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding in order to create quality products.

The subject provides excellent opportunities for students to apply value judgements of an aesthetic, economic, moral, social, and technical nature in their designing and to existing products and their applications. It also provides excellent opportunities for teamwork.

Students use a range of communication skills, including verbal, graphical and modelling skills, to help their thinking and ability to take action in the process of designing.

Teaching Staff

Mr Neal – Curriculum Leader
Mrs Bennett
Mrs Hazlehurst
Mrs Hunter
Mrs Pritchard
Mrs Westerside-Downes

Support Staff

  • Mr Lynch – D&T Technician
  • Mrs Roberts – Food Technician
  • Mrs Keele – Intervention


Key Stage 3 Design and Technology allows students to develop practical skills and technical know-how through a range of subject specific projects. Through individual and group activities, experimental work and problem solving tasks, students are prepared to cope in our rapidly changing technological world.

Students learn about materials and resources including the underlying science, design, and technological knowledge, skills and understanding.

As they do so, they evaluate present and past design and technology, and its uses and effects. Through Design and Technology pupils develop confidence in using practical skills and become discriminating users of products. They apply their creative thinking and learn to innovate.


Design and technology
Design and Technology is a multi-media course, where students get to work with traditional and modern materials and processes. During the course students take part in a range of activities that develop innovation, imagination, creativity and independence when designing products. It offers a unique opportunity for candidates to identify and solve real problems by designing and making products which respond to a wide range of contexts. Students will develop their skills whilst working with a range of designing media, modelling and production methods and through the use of ICT.

Hospitality & Catering
About the course: The EDUQAS level 1/2 Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering is a new practical course designed to enable learners to use the theory of Hospitality and Catering to work on real-life purposeful experiences within and outside the school environment. The aim is for students to work in an environment that is as close to a professional kitchen as possible. Students will be expected to cook and serve food to a professional standard throughout the course. Students will be awarded: Level 1 Pass (Equivalent to GCSE: D-G), Level 2 Pass (GCSE:C), Level 2 Merit (GCSE: B) or Level 2 Distinction (GCSE: A)

Food Preparation and Nutrition
This course in Food preperation and nutrition enables learners to make connections between theory and practice so that they are able to apply their understanding of food science and nutrition to practical cooking. This relates to the study of food and drinks.

Extra Curricular (optional)

STEM Club (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) – Run in conjunction with the Science department.