Attendance is a key component to your child’s success

Learning Together
Achieving High Standards

A Message From
Our Headteacher

 Welcome to the Ruskin Community High School.

As the Headteacher at Ruskin, I welcome your interest in our school and encourage you to visit us so that you can see our vibrant and welcoming school community.

We are ambitious for our students to achieve well here and our Core Values of Respect, Confidence, High Aspirations and Community reflect this.

Ruskin Community High School is a happy and inclusive environment, where students and teachers enjoy learning together.  We have a clear vision for the school, which aims to establish a partnership between parents and teachers in order for all of our students to achieve success.  A strong supportive partnership between parents and our school is important to us and our values.

We are an extremely popular school of choice which has resulted in the school being oversubscribed for several years now.  Ruskin is certainly a good school of choice and it is evident that our students are proud of themselves and the school.

Our students and staff work well together and high-quality teaching and learning is our priority.  As a school community, we are tolerant and inclusive, creating a purposeful learning environment which our students enjoy.  Learning together: Achieving high standards is fundamental to our provision for students and is at the heart of our ambition for our school community.

I hope that you are able to take the time to visit our school and that you enjoy exploring our website, which will give you an insight into our values and ethos. We look forward to welcoming you into our school community in the future.

Best wishes,

Dean Postlethwaite

The school has increasingly high expectations for pupils’ learning


The school has increasingly high expectations for pupils’ learning.OFSTED 2024

A Message From
Our Headteacher

Ruskin Community High School is a happy, ambitious and inclusive school where students and teachers enjoy learning together. We have a clear vision for the school which aims to establish a partnership between parents and teachers in order for all of our students to achieve success…
The school has increasingly high expectations for pupils’ learning


The school has increasingly high
expectations for pupils’ learning


Our Innovative

We are passionate about our curriculum and are excited to be launching a new and exciting offer in September 2022.

Every individual student receives personalised guidance so that their choices best prepare them for the future. We build our curriculum around the needs of our students. This year, students taking their options have chosen from a wide variety of subjects including Dance, Computer Science, Hospitality & Catering, History, Geography, iMedia, Music, Design & Technology, Physical Education, Business Studies, French, German, Spanish, Textiles, Art & Design, Food & Nutrition, ASDAN, Photography, Electrical Engineering, Statistics and Psychology.

Pastoral Care
and Guidance

A caring and child-centred Pastoral Care provision lies at the heart of Ruskin High School’s ethos and good practice. Our primary goal is to ensure that every young person is happy, safe, healthy and successful.

Each student has a Form Tutor and is a member of a Form Group. We have dedicated Form Tutors, who build strong relationships with their class and who also act as a first contact for you as parents/carers.

In addition, our Year Achievement Managers oversee progress and development. They are quick to intervene, ensuring that problems are resolved swiftly and every student knows who to go to for guidance.

Our Innovative

Pastoral Care
and Guidance

Calendar Of Events
& Latest News

See what’s happening in and around School, important dates for your diary and all the up to date news.

Calendar Of Events
& Latest News

See what’s happening in and around School, important dates for your diary and all the up to date news.
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Our students demonstrate respect, kindness and tolerance of people from all beliefs, cultures and backgrounds.
All areas of our school life are designed to educate, celebrate and appreciate our diverse school community and beyond.
By promoting independence, we empower our students to build high levels of self-respect, allowing them to recognise and value their own strengths.

High Aspirations

Through embedding careers and work-related learning, we promote a value of education and an understanding of its context for our students’ futures both in a local and national context.

We want our students to demonstrate ambition, adaptability and resilience in all aspects of life.

We encourage students to be the best that they can be and offers students a multitude of opportunities to maximise their potential.


Through all of our lessons, we facilitate students to retain deep knowledge and understanding, thus enhancing students’ confidence in their own abilities.
We consistently provide support to develop our students into confident communicators and readers.
Our students are encouraged to be inquisitive, confident learners who value and are actively involved in their education and development.